sexta-feira, janeiro 30, 2009

Mahatma Gandhi always in our hearts

Un día como hoy, de hace 61 años, un fanático hindú asesinaba al padre de la India y 'gran alma' del mundo,

61 years ago, a fanatic assissin the father of India and big soul of the world. You are always in our hearts!!

to the glory and generosity

En Tikrit (Irak) han descubierto este jueves un monumento gigantesco de un zapato, en honor al periodista que lanzó su calzado al ex presidente de Estados Unidos George W. Bush.

Tikrit es la ciudad natal del ex dictador Saddam Hussein. Representa a un zapato de color bronce, relleno con un arbusto plástico. "Muntazer: (...) mudo hasta que nuestras bocas dicen la verdad", reza la inscripción en honor al periodista Muntazer al-Zaidi, quien lanzó sus zapatos a Bush llamándolo "perro" durante una conferencia de prensa.

La agresión ocurrió en la última visita del ex mandatario a Irak.

Zaidi ha permanecido en una cárcel de Bagdad desde el incidente y enfrenta cargos por agredir a un líder de Estado.

Fatin Abdul Qader, jefa de una organización de niños y huérfanos en la ciudad, dijo que el monumento de una tonelada y media del artista Laith al-Amiri lleva por título: 'Estatua de la gloria y la generosidad'.

"Esta estatua es la última expresión de nuestro aprecio por Muntazer al-Zaidi, porque los corazones iraquíes fueron confortados por su lanzamiento", expresó.

sábado, janeiro 24, 2009

Juiz do Oregon/EUA reconhece o direito de liberdade de culto para o Santo Daime

Nas próximas semanas sairá a regulamentação para a Igreja do Culto Eclético
Liberdade do Santo Daime

É com grande alegria que comunico a todos a histórica vitória que obtivemos ontem no julgamento no caso igrejas do CEFLURIS /Oregon versus Governo dos Estados Unidos da América.

IDA/Cefluris - Instituto de Desenvolvimento Ambiental Raimundo Irineu Serra. :

Oregon`s Court acknowledges Santo Daime's right to religious freedom
The regulation of the Eclectic Cult Church will come in a few weeks
Santo Daime`s Freedom

Great happiness fills my heart as
I comunicate to all the historical victory that we acomplished yesterday in the
ruling on the CEFLURIS /Oregon churches against the United States Government.

After a 2-day trial, which
included long hearings of our representatives who were questioned by the public
attorneys, the judge ruled in broad favor for all our requests to recognize our
churches’ legal activities and their right to receive the sacrament for their
religious ceremonies from Brazil

This decision, which will be
formalized in a few days, rules that the negotiation process about the
procedures and norms will be done directly with the judge instead of the
Government. The result will be immediate right to ritual usage of the Santo
Daime by the Oregon churches.

Negotiations with the judge
will start in a few weeks. A point already presented during the process is that
we want to extend this right to other North American churces afilliated to

Last night a large number of
brothers and sisters from many North American churces celebrated together after
the Trial. It’s good to remember that
this victory crowns 10 years of battle, since the 1999 detentions and our first
request to the Washington Justice Department in December of 2000.

After a period of definitions and reflexions
about the paths to our judicial strategy and a long process of
institutional development of the North American churches, we decided to take
our chances already open in Oregon.

The process started last
August. The preliminary injunction was taken to the Oregon Federal District
Court, which pertain to the USA's 9th Justice Circle. There was a meeting of
the churches in California where the Unified Committee for the Legal Strategy
was created. All churches got united for the cause. The many lawyers that used
to work separately formed a cooperative and cohesive group. A fund was also
created to meet the enormous costs of the process.

first hearings, interviews with scientific experts, meeting with lawyers and
attorneys were held in October. The process was extremely quick from the very
start up to the positive outcome of yesterday (TN:01.23.09)

Our northern brothers thank
the prayer currents made in all parts of the world.

We congratulate our directors
from Brazil and USA, as well all daimistas in the world and our lawyers. All of
us, who actively participated from the first hour in this battle, also feel
very happy and touched to see the affirmation of Master Irineu's and Padrinho
Sebastião's doctrine and Padrinho Alfredo's leadership, through God's will, in
this immense universal globe.

Viva a
liberdade do Santo Daime!

Polari de Alverga

Director of ICEFLU
President of IDA/CEFLURIS

translation by Guilherme

sexta-feira, janeiro 23, 2009


PRELIMINARES..lagoa santa........ info:
novidades do encontro

hinario do irmao RAIMUNDO GOMES
o ramalho

os hinarios da familia corrente
Vo Corrente
Chico Corrente
Dalvina Corrente
albertina Corrente
Roberto Corrente

juntamente com o hinario do pad ALFREDO

segunda-feira, janeiro 19, 2009


Oi gente, finalmente esta online la primera parte do hinario do Pad Sebastiao gravado na apertura do Encontro de Musicos en Maranhao (outubro2008). Iremos disponibilizando aos poucos todos os hinarios. Agradecemos de coraçao ao nosso irmao Corey Hermkens por ter gravado todos os trabalhos para que agora o mundo todo possa disfrutar com as gioias do nosso encontro.

Hello friends, it is already online the first part of Padrinho Sebastiao's hinario recorded on the openning of the Meeting of Musicians at Maranhao. We will put all the hinarios as soon as possible. We want to say thanks to our brother Corey Hermskens for the amazing quality of the recordings he realized at the meeting so now the entire world could enhoyr the jewells of our doctrine.